
I arrived in the USA for higher education with the help of an Education Loan. I have navigated the tricky situation of studying in the USA while making sure that I do not pose a financial burden on their family residing in a low-income country abroad.

After finishing my higher education, I paid off my student debt in the span of about 28 months. I love traveling and shopping which usually eats into my budget. To make sure that it doesn’t affect my habit of saving and staying debt-free, I have learned from multiple sources to minimize my spending, live frugally (not cheap, frugal), getting rewards while making sure that I don’t break my bank.

I fulfill my passion for traveling without it causing financial stress on my daily life and my savings by spending smartly, getting cash back, credit card bonuses and credit card cashback, and account opening bonuses with banks.

I would love to share these tips and tricks with you all. We all have our passions and we shouldn’t have to put them in the backseat. You don’t need to have a job requiring traveling or 6 digit salary to get elite statuses and perks. Smart Spend and Smart Travel are all you need.

Personal Finance and Traveling are my hobbies. This blog is purely there to share the ideas I have used to fulfill my passions and it is purely for the expression of my opinions. I do not earn anything from this blog as this is purely a personal blog to express my ideas, opinions, tips, and tricks which I think others may find useful.

I am grateful to the US for giving me an opportunity to not just get advanced education but also giving me an opportunity to build my career in Software Engineering and contribute to the growth of the country as well community in the US and abroad.

If you are also an international student or an immigrant, I cannot encourage you enough to comply with the local and immigration laws and make sure you represent the best your country has to offer.

For any questions or inquiries, please reach out to hello@whichcardtoget.com


“It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.” –

Robert Kiyosaki